Course Offerings:   Carbine:   Combat Point Shooting:

Combat Point Shooting: (2 days) Point Shooting is the most important skill for winning close range gunfights, most shooters are only trained in sighted fire techniques. Under the stress of mortal combat the ability to focus on the sight is impaired by the fight response. Without the proper training in aiming the weapon with the body and allowing the eyes to continually assess the threat, you are in grave danger of being unable to stop the attacker. Point Shooting is the other half of the complete firearms training of the Police Officer, Solider and armed Citizen. Learn the single most important skill for the use of your firearm in saving your life.

Topics Covered:

History of Point Shooting Targeting Proper use of cover
Combat stress reaction Weapon presentation Movement
Combat mindset 5 points of performance Malfunctions
Dynamics of CQB Shooting positions Alternative force for CQB
Gunshot effects Threat identification Multiple threats